Commerce Built Featured icon badge

4.6 (25 reviews)
  • 251
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  • 81
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  • Member since
  • RM1.34k
  • 1093

Looking for reliable home or office maintenance services? Look no further than Commerce Built, a trusted service provider listed under the group!

With over 20 glowing reviews from satisfied customers, Commerce Built offers fast and efficient installation, repair, and maintenance services at a reasonable price. Our team of professionals is committed to delivering high-quality work with a personal touch, ensuring that your every need is met.

Whether you need a plumber, handyman, electrician, or furniture installer, Commerce Built has got you covered. We provide a wide range of services, including home cleaning, cabinet installation, house painting, and electrical and wiring services.

Our team is equipped to work in a variety of settings, from offices and retail spaces to condominiums and landed properties. We also offer detailed services such as ceiling installation, door installation, and water heater installation and repair.

Our satisfied customers have raved about our friendly and professional team, noting their commitment to getting the job done effectively and efficiently. In the words of one happy customer, "Had a very good experience, professional team, friendly and committed to work."

With over 206 quotations submitted to customers and more than 700 web page views, Commerce Built is a reliable and popular choice for all your maintenance needs.

So if you need fast and dependable service, look no further than Commerce Built. Contact us today for all your maintenance and repair needs!


Mencari perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan rumah atau pejabat yang boleh diandalkan? Jangan cari lagi, kerana Commerce Built adalah pembekal perkhidmatan yang dipercayai yang disenaraikan di bawah kumpulan!

Dengan lebih daripada 20 ulasan yang memuaskan daripada pelanggan-pelanggan yang berpuas hati, Commerce Built menawarkan perkhidmatan pemasangan, pembaikan, dan penyelenggaraan yang cepat dan cekap dengan harga yang munasabah. Pasukan profesional kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan kerja berkualiti tinggi dengan sentuhan peribadi, memastikan setiap keperluan anda dipenuhi.

Sama ada anda memerlukan tukang paip, tukang rumah, juruelektrik, atau pemasang perabot, Commerce Built ada untuk anda. Kami menyediakan pelbagai perkhidmatan, termasuk pembersihan rumah, pemasangan kabinet, cat rumah, dan perkhidmatan elektrik dan wayar.

Pasukan kami dilengkapi untuk bekerja dalam pelbagai lokasi, dari pejabat dan ruang runcit hingga ke kondominium dan hartanah berlandaskan. Kami juga menawarkan perkhidmatan terperinci seperti pemasangan siling, pemasangan pintu, dan pemasangan serta pembaikan pemanas air.

Pelanggan-pelanggan kami yang berpuas hati telah memuji pasukan kami yang mesra dan profesional, menekankan komitmen mereka untuk menyelesaikan kerja dengan efektif dan cekap. Seperti kata seorang pelanggan yang gembira, "Mempunyai pengalaman yang sangat baik, pasukan yang profesional, mesra, dan berkomitmen untuk bekerja."

Dengan lebih daripada 206 sebut harga yang dikemukakan kepada pelanggan dan lebih daripada 700 pandangan laman web, Commerce Built adalah pilihan yang boleh diandalkan dan popular untuk segala keperluan penyelenggaraan anda.

Jadi jika anda memerlukan perkhidmatan yang cepat dan boleh diandalkan, jangan cari lagi selain daripada Commerce Built. Hubungi kami hari ini untuk segala keperluan penyelenggaraan dan pembaikan anda!

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4.6 (based on 25 reviews)


Susie05 December 2022, 11:38

Job well done. Listens to customers immediate feedback and act on the feedback with positive outlook. Before and after repair photos.

Reasonable Price Excellent Service Fast And Efficient Helpful and Friendly Responsive
3902c38b 4d6a 4636 86cb bdf49b519486 Image

Kah Ho03 December 2022, 11:51

The contractor didn't show up. Agreed to meet at 10am, but still not shown up by 11am. I cancelled the appointment at 11am. It is really terrible, wasted my Saturday morning, which could be better spent elsewhere.


Jon29 November 2022, 08:12

Service is reliable but could improve on timing.


Li Lian27 November 2022, 16:41

He was very friendly and very helpful


Mark23 November 2022, 14:17

solved my problem and reasonable price

Reasonable Price Excellent Service Fast And Efficient Helpful and Friendly Responsive

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