DJM Enterprise

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Djm Enterprise - Your Trusted Partner for Indoor Environment Solutions in Malaysia

Welcome to Djm Enterprise, your go-to company for premium indoor environment solutions in Malaysia. With over 25 years of experience, we pride ourselves on our expertise, professionalism, and commitment to customer satisfaction. We have been listed on since July 26, 2016.

At Djm Enterprise, we specialize in providing top-notch services in sofa, mattress, and carpet cleaning. Our team of dedicated professionals is equipped with the know-how and skills to deliver exceptional results. Whether you need to refresh your sofa, revitalize your mattress, or deep clean your carpets, we've got you covered.

What sets us apart from the competition is our customer-centric approach. We prioritize your specific needs and ensure that each project is carried out with meticulous attention to detail. Our team is well-trained and certified by international indoor environment protection organizations. Rest assured, we have the knowledge and expertise to get the job done right.

Our commitment to excellence extends to our valued clients, including Nilai International University, Toshiba Sales and Services Sdn. Bhd, Regent Kuala Lumpur, Hong Leong Marketing Co Berhard, Channel Boutique KLCC, Christian Dior KLCC, and Dayamas Office Supplies, among others. We continue to serve established individuals, corporate figures, and organizations with our exceptional services.

Choose Djm Enterprise for all your indoor environment needs. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us elevate your living spaces. Visit our website to learn more about our services.


Djm Enterprise - Rakan Percaya Anda untuk Penyelesaian Alam Sekitar Dalaman di Malaysia

Selamat datang ke Djm Enterprise, syarikat terpercaya anda bagi penyelesaian alam sekitar dalaman premium di Malaysia. Dengan pengalaman lebih 25 tahun, kami bangga dengan kepakaran, profesionalisme, dan komitmen kami terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Kami telah disenaraikan di sejak 26 Julai 2016.

Di Djm Enterprise, kami pakar dalam menyediakan perkhidmatan terbaik dalam pembersihan sofa, tilam, dan karpet. Pasukan profesional kami dilengkapi dengan pengetahuan dan kemahiran untuk memberikan hasil yang luar biasa. Sama ada anda memerlukan penyegaran sofa anda, pemulihan semula tilam anda, atau pembersihan mendalam karpet anda, kami sedia membantu.

Apa yang membezakan kami daripada pesaing ialah pendekatan berorientasikan pelanggan kami. Kami memberikan keutamaan kepada keperluan anda yang khusus dan memastikan setiap projek dijalankan dengan perhatian terperinci. Pasukan kami dilatih dengan baik dan disahkan oleh organisasi antarabangsa perlindungan alam sekitar dalaman. Jangan risau, kami mempunyai pengetahuan dan kepakaran untuk menyelesaikan tugas dengan betul.

Komitemen kami terhadap keunggulan meliputi pelanggan yang kami hargai, termasuk Nilai International University, Toshiba Sales and Services Sdn. Bhd, Regent Kuala Lumpur, Hong Leong Marketing Co Berhard, Channel Boutique KLCC, Christian Dior KLCC, dan Dayamas Office Supplies, antara lain. Kami terus melayani individu ternama, tokoh korporat, dan organisasi dengan perkhidmatan istimewa kami.

Pilih Djm Enterprise untuk semua keperluan alam sekitar dalaman anda. Hubungi kami hari ini untuk konsultasi percuma dan biarkan kami meningkatkan ruang hidup anda. Layari laman web kami untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang perkhidmatan kami.

Areas Served

Selangor Kuala Lumpur

1 Album for DJM Enterprise

1 Reviews for DJM Enterprise


robertbellavance7ef228 August 2017, 12:16

I am being billed even before I select the company to do this service!!!! I find this offensive and it leaves a bad impression that they want money before doing anything and that the business is about money rather than client satisfaction. I understand they want to make money but the approach needs some work.

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