4.7 (119 reviews)
  • 816
     customers served
  • 621
     jobs completed
  • Last job completed
     12 days ago
  • Member since
  • RM69.7k
  • 83%
     job completion rate
  • 717

Welcome to Ds Cooling Services, your reliable and trusted provider of aircon services in Malaysia. With over 93 positive reviews and a star rating of 4.8, we are committed to delivering exceptional service to our customers. Whether you need aircon servicing, installation, or repair, we have you covered.

At Ds Cooling Services, we understand the importance of a well-functioning aircon system in providing comfort to your home or office. Our team of experienced technicians is skilled in diagnosing and resolving a wide range of aircon issues. From cleaning and maintenance to fixing faulty components, we have the expertise to keep your aircon running smoothly.

Our dedication to customer satisfaction sets us apart from the competition. We prioritize quick response times and efficient service delivery to minimize any inconvenience caused by aircon problems. Our customers consistently praise us for being understanding and prompt in completing the job. Take it from Nameer, one of our satisfied customers who said, "Very understanding and quick to do the job."

With coverage in various cities including Petaling Jaya, Shah Alam, Cheras, Puchong, and Subang Jaya, among others, we strive to reach as many customers as possible. No matter where you are in Malaysia, our team is ready to provide reliable aircon services to meet your needs.

As a company that values professionalism and quality, we use only top-notch products and industry-leading techniques in our work. Our goal is to ensure long-lasting results and the best performance from your aircon unit. With up-to-date knowledge and state-of-the-art equipment, we guarantee efficient and effective solutions for all your aircon needs.

Choose Ds Cooling Services for all your aircon servicing, installation, and repair needs. Join countless satisfied customers who have experienced our reliable and excellent service. With our dedicated team, extensive coverage, and positive customer feedback, you can trust us to keep your home or office cool and comfortable.

Don't let aircon problems disrupt your daily life. Contact Ds Cooling Services today and let our experts take care of your aircon needs.


Selamat datang ke Servis Pro 'Ds Cooling Services, pembekal perkhidmatan penyaman udara yang boleh dipercayai dan dipercayai anda di Malaysia. Dengan lebih dari 93 ulasan positif dan penarafan bintang 4.8, kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan perkhidmatan yang luar biasa kepada pelanggan kami. Sama ada anda memerlukan penyelenggaraan, pemasangan, atau pembaikan penyaman udara, kami ada untuk membantu.

Di Servis Pro 'Ds Cooling Services, kami memahami kepentingan sistem penyaman udara yang berfungsi dengan baik dalam memberikan keselesaan kepada rumah atau pejabat anda. Pasukan teknisi berpengalaman kami mahir dalam membuat diagnosis dan menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah penyaman udara. Dari pembersihan dan penyelenggaraan hingga membaiki komponen yang rosak, kami mempunyai kepakaran untuk menjaga penyaman udara anda berjalan lancar.

Komitmen kami terhadap kepuasan pelanggan membezakan kami daripada pesaing. Kami memberi keutamaan kepada masa tindak balas yang pantas dan penghantaran perkhidmatan yang cekap untuk mengurangkan sebarang kesulitan yang disebabkan oleh masalah penyaman udara. Pelanggan kami selalu memuji kami kerana memahami dan cepat dalam menyelesaikan tugasan. Dengarkan kenyataan dari Nameer, salah seorang pelanggan yang berpuas hati yang berkata, "Pemahaman yang sangat baik dan cepat dalam melaksanakan tugasan."

Dengan liputan di pelbagai bandar termasuk Petaling Jaya, Shah Alam, Cheras, Puchong, dan Subang Jaya, di antara lain, kami berusaha untuk mencapai sebanyak mungkin pelanggan. Tidak kira di mana anda berada di Malaysia, pasukan kami bersedia untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan penyaman udara yang boleh dipercayai untuk memenuhi keperluan anda.

Sebagai sebuah syarikat yang menghargai profesionalisme dan kualiti, kami hanya menggunakan produk terbaik dan teknik terkini dalam kerja kami. Matlamat kami adalah memastikan keputusan yang tahan lama dan prestasi terbaik dari unit penyaman udara anda. Dengan pengetahuan terkini dan peralatan berteknologi tinggi, kami menjanjikan penyelesaian yang cekap dan berkesan untuk semua keperluan penyaman udara anda.

Pilih Servis Pro 'Ds Cooling Services untuk semua keperluan penyelenggaraan, pemasangan, dan pembaikan penyaman udara anda. Sertai pelanggan-pelanggan yang berpuas hati yang telah mengalami perkhidmatan yang boleh dipercayai dan cemerlang dari kami. Dengan pasukan yang berdedikasi, liputan yang luas, dan maklum balas positif dari pelanggan, anda boleh mempercayai kami untuk menjaga keselesaan rumah atau pejabat anda.

Jangan biarkan masalah penyaman udara mengganggu kehidupan harian anda. Hubungi Servis Pro 'Ds Cooling Services hari ini dan biarkan pakar-pakar kami menjaga keperluan penyaman udara anda.

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4.7 (based on 119 reviews)


Alfred16 May 2024, 10:29

Very nice experience and explanation of Aircond problem and solution

Reasonable Price Excellent Service Fast And Efficient Helpful and Friendly Responsive

Iris11 May 2024, 10:53

Good experience and this is second time I engage them


Vithiya08 April 2024, 10:32

I had requested for 4 aircons for service. From the beginning, it wasnt a pleasant experience. Punctuality is a biggest concern. They were suppose to come at 2pm, they came early around 10.45am expecting people to be home. Had to be firm with them to come at 2pm, they came at 3.30pm only. After they did the chemical cleaning, 2/4 aircons were not cold after servicing - gotten worse.

Had to arrange them to come again to check - again punctuality issue. Promised 9.30am but only showed up at 12.00pm.
They came again and made the aircons worst. When asked to flush out the gas and re-fill, excuse given was they didn't have enough gas when I already texted them in advance to bring the refrigerant.

To make things worst, both owner and the technicians have communication issues. Foreign workers.

Totally disappointed with the level of service and waste of money. I need my REFUND!!!!


Lisa12 March 2024, 23:14

I hired this service to fix the aircond. The air cond was not cold. Without properly checking, they said nothing wrong and just replaced gas. After the service, aircond continue to make bubbly sound even when switched off. After 2 days, the aircond was even warmer than before. The guys who came, could not communicate well with us. Bad service. Expensive price. I paid RM380 to get my aircond spoiled. REFUND!!!!!!!!


Vincent12 March 2024, 15:22

Everything done properly n professionally.


Fairus26 February 2024, 16:07

Awesome team. Arrived early than scheduled. Very clean and neat. Tq guys. Im so lucky to have you to service my aircond.

Excellent Service

Zhee Chuan24 February 2024, 12:43

Very good and professional services

Reasonable Price Excellent Service Fast And Efficient Helpful and Friendly

Ahmad Nizam10 February 2024, 11:49

Very professional and quick on their work. Would recommend.

Excellent Service Fast And Efficient Helpful and Friendly

Jiad29 January 2024, 23:40

- Good with follow ups and reminders
- Punctual (much appreciated)
- Happy with their service and professionalism

Reasonable Price Excellent Service Responsive

Didie17 January 2024, 17:29

On time and very informative

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