Customised Cabinets for Entire Shah Alam Bungalow
Location grey Bukit Jelutong Shah Alam
Stack of money Estimated price : RM250000.0
Master Bedroom Dry Kitchen Dining Living Room Hallway Bungalow Kitchen Cabinets Wardrobe 3D Design Partition

In this project, we created a series of high-quality, customized furniture cabinets according to the specific needs and preferences of our client. Our goal was to design a practical and aesthetically pleasing home space.

Every cabinet was meticulously designed based on the client’s specific requirements and personal tastes. Through multiple communications with the client, we understood their usage habits, storage needs, and aesthetic preferences, ensuring the final design perfectly matched their expectations.

We used high-quality Plywood Block Board as the primary material. This material is not only sturdy and durable but also offers excellent moisture resistance, ensuring the long-term stability and durability of the cabinets in daily use.

The interior of the cabinets also uses colored panels, ensuring every detail is full of personality and quality. Customers can choose internal panels that match the external color or opt for contrasting colors, adding more depth and interest to the cabinets.

Our experienced installation team ensures that every cabinet is installed precisely and flawlessly. We strictly control every step, from measurement to installation, ensuring the finished product exactly matches the design drawings, truly realizing the client’s dream kitchen.

After the project was completed, we received high praise from our client. They were extremely satisfied with our professional design, high-quality materials, exquisite craftsmanship, and comprehensive service. This is not only an affirmation of our work but also the motivation for us to continue striving for excellence.