This minimalist modern bedroom by Moonlife Design, in a newly renovated condominium at D'Kristal Ecohill, Semenyih, showcases a serene color palette, complementing the Zen contemporary theme. Neutral walls and elegant wood laminate flooring provide a calm canvas for future decor. With ambient lighting, a white ceiling fan, and a large window inviting natural light, the space reflects a refined simplicity. The room, complete with essential electrical and air-conditioning fixtures, awaits personalized touches.
Album: Renovate Work # New Condominium House Unit
Location grey Semenyih
Stack of money Estimated price : RM39800.0
Completed 3D Concept Ideas Inspirations 800 - 1200 sqft Condo / Apartment Bathroom Living Dining Room Kitchen Bedroom Living Room Small Kitchen Zen Contemporary Modern Minimalist Carpentry Flooring Wetworks 3D Design Plaster Ceiling Painting Kitchen Cabinet Furniture Lighting Electrical HVAC Ceiling TV Cabinet / Console Glasswork Kitchen Island Beige White Gray Neutral