Sky Movers & Electrical Service Featured icon badge

4.1 (23 reviews)
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  • RM10.1k
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Welcome to Sky Movers & Electrical Service, your one-stop solution for all your house cleaning, air-conditioning service, and moving needs in the Klang Valley Area. Our mission is to establish long-term relationships with our customers, based on safety, quality, promptness, and an understanding of their requirements. Our aim is to provide superior service, which we accomplish by charging reasonable fees and ensuring customer satisfaction at all times. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with our services, and we thank you for choosing us.

At Sky Movers & Electrical Service, we understand the stress and hassle involved with moving and maintaining a clean and comfortable home. That's why we go the extra mile to ensure that your moving and cleaning experience is seamless and stress-free. We have a team of experienced and skilled professionals who are dedicated to providing top-notch services every time.

Our team of experts is well-versed in air-conditioning installation, repair and maintenance services. We provide quality air-con services at affordable rates to ensure that your home stays cool and comfortable. We use only top-rated products and materials when working in your house, and our services are backed by an extensive warranty.

If you require house cleaning services, our team of dedicated cleaners will ensure your house is spotless and hygienic. Our services include move-in/out cleaning, domestic cleaning, office and commercial cleaning services. We always use the appropriate tools and techniques to ensure your home is sparkling clean.

Finally, for moving, whether you are moving locally or inter-state, we have the experience and expertise to make your move stress-free. We understand the challenges involved in moving, and our team of dedicated movers will ensure that all your belongings are safely and securely moved to your new location.

We are proud to have received numerous positive reviews from our delighted customers praising our excellent services. So if you want a company that will provide top-notch services, at competitive pricing, look no further than Sky Movers & Electrical Service. Contact us today to learn more about our services and book your appointment.


Selamat datang ke Sky Movers & Electrical Service, solusi segera untuk semua keperluan pembersihan rumah, perkhidmatan penyejukan udara, dan pindah rumah anda di Kawasan Lembah Klang. Misi kami adalah untuk menjalin hubungan jangka panjang dengan pelanggan kami, yang berdasarkan kepada keselamatan, kualiti, ketepatan dan pemahaman terhadap keperluan mereka. Sasaran kami adalah untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan yang unggul, yang kami capai dengan mengenakan kos yang munasabah dan memastikan kepuasan pelanggan setiap masa. Kami berjanji bahawa anda akan berpuas hati dengan perkhidmatan kami, dan kami mengucapkan terima kasih kerana memilih kami.

Di Sky Movers & Electrical Service, kami faham tekanan dan kesulitan yang terlibat dalam memindahkan dan menjaga rumah yang bersih dan selesa. Itulah sebabnya kami berusaha lebih untuk memastikan pengalaman pindah rumah dan pembersihan anda lancar dan bebas tekanan. Kami mempunyai pasukan profesional yang berpengalaman dan mahir yang komited untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan terbaik setiap kali.

Pasukan pakar kami terlatih dalam pemasangan, pembaikan dan penyelenggaraan penyejuk udara. Kami menyediakan perkhidmatan penyejukan udara berkualiti dengan kadar yang berpatutan untuk memastikan rumah anda sentiasa sejuk dan selesa. Kami hanya menggunakan produk dan bahan-bahan bertaraf tinggi ketika bekerja di rumah anda, dan perkhidmatan kami disokong oleh jaminan yang meluas.

Jika anda memerlukan perkhidmatan pembersihan rumah, pasukan pembersih yang komited kami akan memastikan rumah anda bersih dan bersih. Perkhidmatan kami termasuk pembersihan sebelum/lepas pindah, pembersihan domestik, pembersihan pejabat dan perniagaan. Kami sentiasa menggunakan alat dan teknik yang sesuai untuk memastikan rumah anda bersinar bersih.

Akhirnya, untuk urusan pindah rumah, sama ada pindah di kawasan setempat atau melepasi sempadan, kami mempunyai pengalaman dan kepakaran untuk menjadikan pindah rumah anda bebas tekanan. Kami faham cabaran yang terlibat dalam berpindah, dan pasukan pindah kami yang komited akan memastikan semua barang anda dipindahkan dengan selamat dan terjamin ke lokasi baru anda.

Kami berbangga kerana telah menerima pelbagai ulasan positif dari pelanggan yang gembira memuji perkhidmatan cemerlang kami. Jadi jika anda ingin syarikat yang menyediakan perkhidmatan terbaik, dengan harga yang berdaya saing, tidak perlu mencari lebih jauh dari Sky Movers & Electrical Service. Hubungi kami hari ini untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang perkhidmatan kami dan buat temujanji anda.

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4.1 (based on 23 reviews)


Ezi Suhaini24 April 2024, 16:02

I am very satisfied with the service. After session, the cleaners arranged back my items accordingly. Thank you for delivery such good quality. Truly recommended.


Edmund13 April 2024, 12:31

Fast and efficient

Fast And Efficient

YS22 February 2024, 09:43

We asked for a deep clean service to condo for moving in cleaning. The first time the cleaning was not good enough as they left some places unclean. We complaint and they came back to complete our service. So kuddo to them.

Helpful and Friendly Responsive

Ellene15 February 2024, 15:13

Cleaners able to carry out basic cleaning such as vacuuming, mopping and wiping, washing toilet. Only one ceiling fan was wiped clean. But other ceiling fans, lights and kitchen cabinets surface were not wiped. Sliding glass doors and kitchen windows were not wiped either. I prefer not to continuously give instructions as the cleaners are working as I expect that they would have been briefed on the scope of work before coming.


Coco07 February 2024, 09:03

I made it clear that my condo is empty, with a big space of over 700 sqft and just one bathroom. I asked for two cleaners for two hours, thinking it would be enough time to clean well. But now I’m not sure if they didn’t understand my instructions or if they’re just being lazy. I told them clearly to wipe everything down—like doorknobs, handles, switches, the bathroom sink, and corners—with the spray I gave them, and to clean the glass. They keep saying they’ll do it, but then they spend a whole hour in one room. I don’t get why it’s taking them so long to work together in the same place. In the end, I had to clean some things myself while they spent an hour mopping the floor and cleaning the bathroom. But there’s still dust on the main door, so it feels like a waste of time and money!

Img 6796 Img 6788 Img 6795

Jason01 February 2024, 21:06

The way the clearners clean the window glass is unacceptable. I’ve provided a ladder however the cleaner didn’t use it to clean the upper part of the glass, while they just simply wipe the lower part even glass cleaning spray was supplied. Foot prints was everywhere out from the toilet. Dust & hairs still everywhere at the bed side table until I remind them again to clean it. Dining table remains oily even they have wiped it. I booked for 2 maids 3 hours, they came late and finished the job within 2 hours from the arrival time. Compare to previous cleaner from another company, this time overall I felt so disappointing, not satisfied, and I won’t recommend to others.

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Kelvin 28 January 2024, 13:03

Good manager and the 2 staffs. They re good especially on the glass cleaning. Thank you

Excellent Service Fast And Efficient Helpful and Friendly Responsive

diana224 January 2024, 20:38

I don't know whether I want to waste my time commenting on such a poor cleaning service. Really don't know why the high rating for. 3 hours on just one room, and yet still not cleaned thoroughly, just don't cut it. And who uses half a bottle of floor cleaner in one session? Please use other cleaners.


Asfarayani24 January 2024, 13:24


Excellent Service Helpful and Friendly

Azfar08 November 2023, 21:59


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