Title: Elegant Bungalow Kitchen Interior by Yanyu Brothers Construction Description: Experience the refined elegance of Damansara Heights in this classic luxury kitchen designed by Yanyu Brothers Construction. Showcasing a palette of crisp whites and greys, this space features ornate cabinetry, sophisticated marble flooring, and a unique, contemporary chandelier that brings raw luxury to life. The chevron backsplash adds a modern twist, while plush seating invites comfort within the heart of home decor.
Album: Bungalow Design at Damansara Heights
Location grey Damansara Heights, Kuala Lumpur
Completed Inspirations Ideas Above 2400 sqft Semi-D / Bungalow Bathroom Cafe Meeting Room Living Entrance / Foyer Bedroom Living Room Classic Raw Luxury Carpentry Flooring Wetworks Plaster Ceiling Wallpaper Painting Kitchen Cabinet Furniture Lighting Electrical TV Cabinet / Console Ceiling Wardrobe Wall Decor Kuala Lumpur KL Selangor