Requesting a service from:
Belux Construction

Renovation Contractor

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Questions marked *are required

Hire our professionals to renovate your property.

How it works:

  1. Tell us more about your renovation project, in terms of scope, budget, timeline, any designs you already have.
  2. Up to 5 of our panel of renovation contractors will respond to your request, do a site visit and provide a detailed quotation for you to compare.
  3. If your budget is above RM 20,000, we can provide a FREE Project Consultant to assist you to get the best quotes and analyse them for you. Just let us know below!
  4. Select the best service professional for your job and pay through Recommend Pay to ensure that your payments are secure, and your job is insured.

Let us know the entire scope of work for the renovation

Any information you give will help us filter the most suitable renovation contractor for you.

Upgrade to Recommend Plus membership and get guaranteed 3 quotes, Up to 15% discount across all services* and extended warranty of total 60 days. Rest assured, only top-rated 4.5-star service professionals will cater to your needs. Additionally, enjoy a monthly membership day. All of this is available for just RM59 per year.

We will assist you to find contractors, compare quotes, monitor quality, and manage your payments. This service is available in Klang Valley ONLY and is FREE for jobs above RM20,000.

  • A realistic budget helps us find the best quality renovation contractor within that range.

Designs, floorplans, ideas that inspired you, existing quotations already received, etc.

Contact & Location details

THIS IS A QUOTATION REQUEST: You will get up to 5 quotes from our vendors. Reply the ones you want to arrange site visit.
Your Phone Number will be shared to our Service Provider so they are able to contact you easily

Note: By submitting your request, you are agreeing to our Terms of Use


Appointment Date/Time & Contact Detail


Request Detail

Recommend Pay

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