Pricing estimate for Renovation Contractor in Banting, Selangor #309716

Estimate Budget

RM20000 - 49999
Project Details

Banting, Selangor

Type of Work Required

Masonry (cement, concrete, tiles), Demolition (wall hacking), Metal (grille, gate, aluminium), Plaster ceiling, Electrical and lighting, Plumbing, Door or window

Type of building


Do you already have these items? (Optional)

Key (for new property), Floor plan, 3D designs or renders


When do you need site visit?


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As per my photo attachments. Got a few more places to cover as well. Master bedroom, bedroom 2, bedroom 3, family area. Plumbing and electrical work and so on.

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Rough Budget

RM20000 - 49999

Customer prefers to use

Recommend pay

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